Monday, October 10, 2011

Now available at butters&beans kids!

We couldn't have picked a more clever name for the location where we wanted our kids' run of headbands to be sold! When we saw butters&beans was opening at Woodbury Lakes in a recent issue of MSP magazine we jumped on the chance to have our hair accessories in the store.

Ann, the owner and designer of the b&b brand of children's clothing and accessories, was ever so kind to take about 10 pieces just a few weeks back. The jersey fabric rosettes and bows sold first, so we promise to make more.

In the meantime, stop in and see all the other wonderful items and brands she carries. The products have a comforting and homemade feel in a modern setting, complete with Ann's custom craft nook nestled in the back corner. We sort of wanted to move in...
Photo from butters&beans